Rob makes a decision and Harrison makes an investment

Radio Times: Rob takes it upon himself to make a confession, while PC Burns offers help.

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  • As Pat and Helen make cheese together, Pat urges her daughter to go home; she will see to the cheese. Helen is grateful as she needs to pick Rob up from work to fetch his car, which is being repaired following damage in the flood. Pat mentions that Kirsty called to see how Tony was, Helen comments that had Kirsty not gone away after the failed wedding, the shop might not have had to close.
  • Harrison gently teases Fallon about her ideas for The Bull over Easter. They share a joke about Joe Grundy’s taste in borrowed attire, and some genuine pity for Bert, with whom Kenton has been particularly thoughtful. Harrison is full of admiration for Fallon’s efforts in the great clean-up, and when she admits that the bank turned her down for a loan, Harrison is quick to give her a cheque, likening it to a peer-to-peer loan. Fallon is reluctant to take it, but when Harrison lays on the charm, talking about her great business sense and her brains, she falls for the flattery, and accepts what Harrison says is an investment. When The Tea Service really takes off he will have his money back with interest. Well, at least he gets a kiss for his pains.
  • Rob is snappy when Helen picks him up, leaving Henry in the car. Helen thinks it is just the work for Charlie getting to him, but Rob says there is a problem with the payroll. Helen cuts him short, as she does not want to leave Henry alone in the car.
  • Rob insists on driving, and adoring Helen oozes sympathy for his work problems. This rapidly turns to shock when Rob tells her he has a confession to make; the payroll problem is the CSA’s order to deduct maintenance payments from his salary. Rob realises he has not been thinking clearly; he thought ignoring Jess would make her go away, but now he realises there is only one way to stop her destroying all that he and Helen have together: he will take a paternity test and prove he is not the father.

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