Rob makes Adam’s arrangements with BL difficult and Kirsty tries to dampen Tom’s enthusiasm about the baby.

Radio Times: Tom wants to make changes, and Roy notices something is up.

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  • Rob is deliberately dismissive of Adam’s soil enrichment programme. Adam disingenuously asks if Rob had a good Christmas. Rob claims it was ‘very satisfactory’ and Adam pointedly inquires whether Rob spent his holidays with his parents and his brother in Hampshire. Rob is suspicious but Adam claims he is simply making conversation. How nice that Rob had a happy family time at Christmas, Adam remarks.
  • Roy complains to Kirsty that Tracy has sent a text when Tom rings the bell. Roy leaves them alone. Tom wishes to apologise for turning up so late the other night but mainly he wishes to talk about the baby and the future. Kirsty is annoyed but accepts his apology. Tom wants Kirsty to move into #1 The Green into Johnny’s room. Kirsty points out they live close enough and since they both share accommodations, moving in together won’t save money.
  • Rob delivers more threats about ending Adam’s beloved soil project and Rob promises to make sure the board is apprised about the uselessness of continuing it. Adam again brings up Christmas and notes that it is small children who really make the holidays special. Adam lands his fatal blow by mentioning that he heard Helen and the boys had a wonderful time. Ian and Adam gave Henry a scooter for his birthday. Rob mumbles that he sent Henry a card. Adam replies he is sure the card was very welcome. Rob then retorts that he will be recommending to the board that they ask for competitive tenders for all estate work starting in September. If Adam wishes to retain his contract, he had best sharpen up his bid.
  • Tom tells Kirsty about Henry’s birthday party but he can’t contain his delight about his baby. Kirsty is discouraging about any detailed plans. There is plenty of time. Tom wants to tell his parents but Kirsty asks him to wait until the next scan. She hints that it is time for Tom to leave and she sighs heavily as she closes the door after him.
  • Tom returns home to find the smoke alarm going and the kitchen all a mess. Freddie and Johnny try to apologise but Tom gives way to his temper but perhaps his main frustration comes from another source. Roy asks Kirsty if she is pregnant. Kirsty admits it and Roy offers support; Kirsty is grateful. Kirsty is adamant that she will not be getting back with Tom and she asks if she can stay on with Roy after the baby comes. Of course she can!
  • Kirsty comes upon Rob who is shouting after two girls who have written something in lipstick over his windscreen. Kirsty notes the description is accurate and observes it will be difficult to drive with that obstructing his view. Rob replies it is a disgraceful libel. Some labels are very hard to get rid of, retorts Kirsty as she walks away.

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