Rob’s parents are coming to dinner next Friday and Helen goes into overdrive.

Radio Times: Helen hears some exciting news, and Roy becomes a hero.

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  • Tony is still procrastinating about The Bull but Pat thinks he’ll go for it. Jill points out an interview with Charlie Thomas in the Echo trying to counter the negative publicity. Pat says she can’t be bothered to read it. Jill is also more wound up about Hazel and the headstone. Peggy has given in. Pat doesn’t think there is much point Tony talking to her – things haven’t been good between them for a while. But Jill is determined it shouldn’t happen. Peggy could end up regretting it for the rest of her life.
  • Helen takes Rob a packed lunch at work and a copy of the Echo. The interview definitely waves his green credentials. She asks Rob if he has spoken to his mother and Rob says he can’t force her to talk to him.
  • Jill is babysitting for Freddie and Lily though they don’t think they need a babysitter. Maybe they will like the cake instead. Jill and Elizabeth talk about the strangles at The Stables and Jill says at least it gives her something else to worry about other than Dan. You’d think she’d be over it by now. Roy comes in and Jill comments on how well she has been looking since the festival. Maybe Roy should take her camping more often.
  • Later Rob pops back to Blossom Hill to tell Helen that he has finally spoken to his mother and she is coming with his father next Friday. Helen asks if she should invite her parents. Rob doesn’t seem keen.
  • Elizabeth and Roy visit Shula at The Stables to talk about Loxfest when the sick horse has got out. The horse knocks Shula over but Roy manages to get hold of it and calm him down. He’s wrenched his shoulder though. And he’ll be contaminated now. He won’t go home though. Far too much to do in the office. Elizabeth starts talking about how brave he’s been. He did everything right. They’ll have to think about health and safety at Loxfest but Elizabeth is sure with Roy around it will be fine.
  • Helen goes into full overdrive mode about the dinner and what she’s going to cook and getting her hair cut. She’ll have to take a day off.

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