Roy lays bare his feelings. Helen finds entertaining a major stress.

Radio Times: Roy has got a challenge for Elizabeth. Meanwhile, Helen is making plans.

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  • Elizabeth is uncharacteristically nervous about the Radio Borsetshire interview, which may have more to do with her proximity to Roy than her terror of broadcasting. Roy tries to encourage her but she is hesitant when she has to speak, while Roy is very confident, telling the interviewer that he and Elizabeth complement one another well.
  • Tony shows Rob his new bull, and Rob is impressed. He unbends enough to confide that he is less than happy with the new management style at Berrow Farm. Pat and Helen join them, with Helen very stressed over Friday’s dinner party. When Rob and Helen have gone, Pat tells Tony how nice it is to see at least one of their children happy. They must make a big effort on Friday.
  • Back home, Helen is verging on the hysterical. Rob tries to calm her down, saying he doesn’t care what his parents think. There is no need to impress them.
  • With Freddie and Lily otherwise occupied, Roy brings a bottle of wine into Elizabeth’s office, saying they must sort things out between them. Elizabeth tries to say there is nothing between them, but Roy refuses to accept this. He longs to hold her again. Eventually Elizabeth admits she would like companionship and sharing, but Roy is married and it can never be. What happened at the festival was a mistake and will not be repeated. Now they both have work to do. No, says Roy. I don’t believe you.

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