Sir Bradley Wiggins witnesses an unedifying scrap between Ian and Rob. Ruth adjusts to having a baby.

Radio Times: There is a special visitor to Ambridge. Meanwhile, the competition hots up.

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  • It’s Sports Relief Day, so Ambridge is doing its bit in the shape of the Rough and Tumble Challenge and, for the more mature, the Slow and Steady event. There’s a big crowd, giving lots of money and Bradley is on hand to present the trophies. Dan wins the male competition and Lynda, who is honoured to meet the special guest, wins the senior competition. There is praise indeed for Fallon: Lynda says it was a magnificent effort and she could not have done a better job herself.
  • The rivalry between Ian and Rob becomes open hostility; Ian finds it impossible to keep his opinion of Rob to himself. He manages to keep in touch with Rob for the whole event until the final cycle sprint, when his far superior bike gives him a winning advantage over Rob. Finally, after goading by Rob, Ian punches him in the face – right in front of his hero Wiggo. Rob later tries to clear the air, offering to buy Ian a drink, but Ian declines and accuses Rob of being a bully; Helen is his best friend so he will be watching Rob.
  • Amongst all the activity, Ruth manages to find the time to think. She realises that David is delighted about the pregnancy and, now that she has adjusted to the idea, she is delighted too; it’s a gift and she wants this baby more than anything.

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