Things go from bad to worse with Tony and Tom.

Radio Times: Tom tries to make a point, and Jill takes control.

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  • Ruth finds Jill cleaning the pantry at Brookfield. Jill offers to make shepherd’s pie for dinner. Ruth is grateful as she is working singlehanded while David is at market with a load of ewes. Ruth bemoans the fact that the Aga has run out of fuel and that they can’t get a delivery until the end of the week, she is freezing. Given the circumstances, Jill decides that she should add an apple crumble to the dinner menu.
  • In a field at Bridge Farm, Tom is discussing with his father his ideas of expansion in the light of Tony’s sudden acquisition of a beef herd. Pretty soon tempers flare, with father and son steadfastly refusing to listen to the others point of view. The argument is bitter. Tony will not be side-lined while Tom insists that the plan for his pigs is in tatters. Tony wants the field they are standing in for his cattle. Tom asks a straight question and wonders if he should cancel part of his weaner order. Tony’s reply is short and to the point…”Yes Tom… I’m afraid so”.
  • At The Bull, Jolene and Kenton are checking their insurance policy and find that contributory negligence may well reduce the value of their claim. The conversation turns yet again to the loss of Jolene’s clothing and is only halted by Jill’s arrival. She tells them of Ruth’s parlous oil situation. Jill will see what she can do about it. She asks if they could display a WI notice announcing a talk by PC Burns concerning home security. They agree and Jill leaves to help Ruth with the ironing. It seems that PC Burns is in danger of becoming an object of desire. Jolene wonders if Fallon could persuade some of the girls at Jaxx to go and listen.
  • Kirsty calls to see Tom. He tells her of his discussions with Tony and that he believes that he has, quite simply “lost the plot”. Tom now worries not just about his future at the farm, but that of the farm itself. Kirsty tries to calm him by saying that at least he has her on his side now. She turns the subject to the wedding and especially, the honeymoon. She believes that they should go back to the time when they first met as eco warriors. She has found a wonderful trip to the rain forest in Costa Rica but is concerned about the expense. Tom makes it clear that he wants it to be the trip of a lifetime, saying “let’s book it… shall we?”

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