Tony tries to have it out with Peggy but she simply listens and sends him on his way.

Radio Times: Tony confronts Peggy, and Jill moves to Brookfield.

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  • Tom is feeling sorry for himself. Roy tells him he can’t lock himself away but Tom says no one is expecting him to be there – he should be in Costa Rica. Tom blames himself that no one is speaking to him – it’s all his fault. (Yeah, right, mate!). Roy tells him there is no point trying to get in touch with Kirsty. She has gone to Costa Rica. Tom is less than impressed. He admits that he will now owe thousands of pounds. And other people have wasted money too. It makes him feel sick thinking about it.
  • Jill is packing up to move to Brookfield and Kenton and David are helping shift the piano. Jill is amused to hear them bickering again. Roy ends up having to give them a hand. He’s doing his rounds handing back the wedding presents. He stresses to Kenton that Tom is adamant that it’s not to do with Kirsty but there wasn’t anyone else involved and particularly not to do with Brenda.
  • Tony isn’t impressed with Jazzer turning up late. Pat is desperate to see Tom but Tony says it’s all too late. Pat doesn’t know why Tom didn’t tell anyone but Tony decides to blame Peggy for not telling them and for putting such pressure on him with the inheritance. He is going to go and see her.
  • Tony tells Peggy what he thinks. She tells Tony it wasn’t for her to tell him what Tom was thinking. Everything that happens Tony takes personally. He needs to take a wider view. Tony continues to rant. She simply listens and sends him on his way.
  • Jill is settling in at Brookfield. She keeps insisting she won’t be a pest and hanging around all the time but David is quite happy at the thought of a Sunday roast. Ben starts playing the piano and Jill says it’s like having a bit of Phil back in the house. It’s so good to be home.

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