07 August 1996

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  • Sacrilege at the playground, the kids from the vicarage had been drinking coke, eating crisps and (according to Mrs Potter) playing music on a ghettoblaster. Also noticed in the mess were some empty bottles of “alcoholic lemonade”, a fact that Lynda was happy to pass on to Janet, who was generally defensive, but in agreement.
  • Bert complained to Janet about Tom’s behaviour toward the bats, Tom claims he’s been banished from St. Stephen’s which Janet doesn’t want and for which Bert is not taking responsibility.
  • Julia and Lynda sparked over the film, Lynda was offered her services and Julia was playing Lady of the Manor and turning them down. She’s looking forward to having “Marlon” as her guest.
  • Tony’s away so the cricket selection is between David and Sid, who is still anti-Sean, but David leaves him with no option. Sid’s obvious reluctance is still unexplained.

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