08 May 1997

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  • Tony’s keen to buy Bridge Farm and is not happy with Pat’s obstructiveness and Brian accuses him of pettiness over his reluctance to agree to the dairy expansion, at which point they have words about Tony’s keeping up with the Aldridges.
  • Joe’s keen on his new owner-occupier potential and whats to discuss all the ramifications with Phil, although Ruth manages to convince him that Tony would be more help. But when Joe suggest that he and Tony could arrange some mutually beneficial deal, Tony is not impressed.
  • Ruth and Phil are still at loggerheads, and she’s starting to get at David, too.
  • Brian’s mulling over some words of Lynda’s about Debbie and Simon, mentioned in passing as she was waxing on to anyone who would listen about her forthcoming production. Tom is over for lunch and is being surprisingly perspicacious.
  • Tom and Lynda meet on the Green. He warns her to watch what she says and Brain’s reaction to her chance remark. He also mentions her attitude about recitation and how certain “rough folk” might take offence, at which point he quotes from Henry V and leaves Lynda almost speechless.

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