18 March 1998

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  • Richard and a college friend of Ruth’s have agreed to be godparents to Josh, but David wants another godfather and is asking Lizzie’s advice – although she’s concerned that Nigel wants to be a real parent!
  • Kathy’s teaching again and bumps into Nigel and they happen to see Caroline and Graham enjoying an intimate lunch, where they’re both putting their cards on the table; he admits he made some strategic mistakes and she admits she does miss the riding. He follows her to the Bull that evening and they agree to go to the hunt together on Friday.
  • Lizzie mentions his possibly being godfather to Nigel and he says he’d love to be asked, but isn’t going to do the asking. When she tries to mention it to David, he manages not to listen!
  • A terrible day at the Bull, Freda called in sick, so the got hold of an agency chef, who was superb, but whose primadonna beheviour upset some customers, which meant Sid send him home and offered the customers free meals in the evening – which an exhausted Kathy had to cook!

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