19 May 1998

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  • Richard’s chatting with Kate about the impending birth. He’s trying to convince her – as her doctor – that while she’s right in saying that many women in many cultures do have natural births, there are hundreds of possible complications that would be that bit easier to deal with if she were to be in hospital rather than in her cottage. She hears the words without listening to the sentiments.
  • Mike and Neil are starting to resent having to compete with each other for work.
  • Tommy’s reaping the benefits of the recent practice sessions as his promotion to the cricket team, while a lot of the regulars are absent through silaging and the like, is being feted and applauded.
  • Kate thinks that Betty might be ditching some of the plastic bags earmarked for recycling.
  • Neil’s concerned that Eric, young thrusting boar that he is, might not be serving the sows, who are definitely in their natural, receptive state, and he’s not entirely sure why.

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