20 January 1998

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  • Sean and Caroline meet up in the surgery waiting room, Sean intrigues her by inviting her for lunch to discuss a business proposition. This turns out to be plans for his and Peter’s future. They are merely tenants at the Cat and feel that buying their own pub is the logical progression – would she considering selling them her share of The Bull? She’s surprised, to say the least, saying nothing bar that she would talk to Sid and Kathy.
  • Kenton’s spoken to Mel and it seems that the Aussie tax man wants about £4,000 by the middle of next month – or else. He admits that his extravagance on his return was all on plastic. His parents are not pleased and he plans on returning down under very soon.
  • It’s crunch time at Brookfield as the four partners meet to discuss the issue of herd expansion. Ruth and David’s case for expanding the herd and buying more quota is overwhelming and, while Phil is staunchly against it, the argument swings against him. He would rather not gamble his life’s work on an unnecessary risk, but Jill feels that the time has come for Ruth and David to decide the answer to the question of their future – she votes with them.
  • Phil is deeply hurt, on their own he’s quite damning to Jill. He thought that she would always stand by him and nothing she can say will make him feel better.

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