20 September 1996

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  • Eddie’s down in the dumps, Sid’s not jumping at his offer to be in The Bull’s tug-of-war team, he’s still down at the failure of the numberplates, and he’s concerned with Joe’s health. Although when he talks to Richard, it’s Clarrie who’s worried.
  • John is unrecognisabble (to Usha) in a suit for his meeting with the bank, which goes well, they seem pleased with the plans.
  • David’s having trouble making up the numbers for the cricket, Tommy and a friend make 7 and 8, and Eddie is very pleased when he’s asked to be number nine. Things get better when Sid asks him to be The Bull’s anchor.
  • Nelson is, apparently, in a foul mood.
  • Richard is cracking up, although he caught it before it was a problem, he made a mistake with a dosage. He is very concerned at the upcoming hearing, which is “not a tribunal”, as he told Eddie who had just offered himself as a character witness.

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