21 July 1997

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  • Clive’s wandering the village distributing cats in various flocks of pigeons, first to the shop, where he reveals his plans to stay awhile to a less than appreciative Betty, then to Lower Loxley where he hopes to exploit the prison bond with Nigel, although while Nigel’s his cordial self, they’ve no casual work to offer, but he does plant the seed of the idea that being in the play might be good for the parole.
  • Lynda’s come up with a new rehearsal schedule, which doesn’t entirely suit Nigel and Lizzie, who think that rehearsing at Lower Loxley might make sense, an idea which is favourable to Lynda.
  • Tony thinks that a fly-drive holiday to Florida would be fun. Strangely this suggestion surfaces a couple of moments after Pat talks of taking a more sophisticated holiday if they’ve no kids in tow …..
  • Lynda’s looking after a friend of Robert’s – Tam and happens to mention to Pat about Brian becoming their landlord. Pat’s absolutely gobsmacked and rushes off to find Tony – who is as furious as she is. They’re shocked, not just at Brian, but at Debbie and Jennifer how they all saw at Jack and Peggy’s the day before, but who had said nothing.

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