23 September 1997

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  • Hayley’s noticed that John’s not right and correctly surmises that it’s because of Sharon – but for completely the wrong reason. She assumes it’s just her re-appearance in the village and marvels at his bravery at being able to even see her. Tommy’s left a box of vegetables for them from Tom, including a marrow, for jam, that resembles the Zeppelin!
  • Clarrie’s found a freezer full of venison, which Eddie assures her is legal, he’s selling it for a breeder friend who has just culled his herd. She’s also worried that it’s Edward’s birthday this weekend but he’s feeling unhappy because Joe and William are off to Jersey and he isn’t.
  • Jill’s minding the baby – Pip’s being demanding on her mother, who in turn is being demanding on David who dozed off and got a real balling out because he would have been late for milking. There’s lots of snapping and he storms off.
  • It seems that the marrow wasn’t for the jam, only Tommy tells Hayley this a little too late, not before Tom’s prospective entry for the Flower and Produce show is made into several gallons of bubbling gloop on the stove ….
  • Tommy’s heard about Sharon and baits John, who’s not taking the joke and was obviously rattled, he tries to fight back with the threat of telling Tom about the marrow, but Tommy’s not convinced.

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