26 March 1998

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  • Pat and Tony are watching Hayley give Tommy a hand with the pig pens – and it’s prime entertainment. They’re not intervening in the hilarity, but admit that Hayley would probably be better off with the books than the electric fence which shocked her slightly ….
  • Shula mentions the christening problem to Phil, who obviously knew nothing about it. He’s surprised, but suggests that Ruth’s parents can’t miss it, so why don’t they combine it with his imminent 70th birthday party? He contacts Janet about the church booking, Jill’s fine with the plan and they intend to present the arrangements to Ruth and David as a fait accompli.
  • Lynda’s planning a rota for the Sawyers Farm watch on the Grey Gables computer, which infuriates Caroline. Lynda’s apologetic for the misuse of it, but then informs Caroline that she’ll be late back from lunch because she’s off to brief Mrs Antrobus.
  • Caroline’s decided to accept Graham’s invitation.
  • Sharon is back and she knows – although she’s miffed that she had to find out from her friend Donna who read about it in the Echo. She seems sad and is scathing of the family’s attitude to her, but wants to visit the grave of the only man she says that she ever truly loved. She visits Bridge Farm too and Pat is furious. She and Tony treat her cordially but bearly cover up their anger. When she leaves Pat just lets it all out, explicitly blaming her for the trouble – and herself for bringing Sharon in and being the cause for their meeting. She cannot stand the fact that Sharon, the woman she blames for the loss of her son, stands there alive, with a child and with a future.

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