27 April 1998

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  • If Neil thought he could creep into bed in the early hours without disturbing Susan, he had another think coming. Susan was too worried to sleep and was waiting to confront him. She is not impressed with what he had told the pharmaceutical firm: that his greatest asset is being good with stock.
  • Richard is puzzled about the state of his front garden and Brian ventures to suggest that it was done by a pig. However he refuses to comment on the letter Brian has received from Usha, he suggests that Brian should speak to Usha.
  • The hay fever season is almost upon us and Lynda has called at the surgery for some tablets. She notices that Susan looks tired but her offer of a listening ear is sharply rejected.
  • Daniel is receiving the attention of a physiotherapist, which is no doubt doing him good, but it hurts. The consultant has said nothing definite about how long he may suffer, meanwhile he has been measured for splints to hold his joints and relieve the pain. It upsets Shula to see him like this and she has a cry on Richard’s shoulder.
  • Lynda’s persistence is legendary but this time is well meant. She calls on Susan, who does indeed welcome the chance to talk. Neil is annoyed that she has talked about his problem to Lynda, although he admits that he has confided in Mike. Susan retorts that she had to talk to someone and at least Lynda cares!

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