28 April 1998

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  • Practise cricket or hunt for Eric, that is Tommy’s dilemma. Tony is too busy to bowl at him and anyway thinks finding Eric should be his first priority.
  • Pat has had a call from Underwoods about the flavour of the strawberry yoghurt. Normally she would leap into action and investigate – but tomorrow will do. Tony offers to help as he is worried that she is dwelling on Wednesday’s tree planting ceremony.
  • Clarrie is excited because she has received an invitation from Meyruelle to take one of the boys to see the World Cup. Money worries are less pressing since they have reached an understanding with Borchester Mills.
  • Hayley reckons she and Tommy are in big trouble because news of the great escape has reached the Borchester Echo, who want to do a story. So they had better get on with the search.
  • Meanwhile at the Bull, Kathy finds the garden in something of a mess. The damage bears the hallmarks of Eric. Maybe Hayley and Tommy will pay for the broken glasses; maybe Eric can fly!
  • While clearing up the Bull garden, Clarrie passes on the news about Neil’s job and suggests to Kathy that Susan might welcome some extra work while Clarrie is in France.
  • Kathy is hoping for a quiet evening to do some teaching preparation. The pig hunters arrive at the Bull having found no trace of Eric, so they are glad to learn that he must be close by. Alas for all concerned, two coachloads of day-trippers arrive; so there is no quiet evening for Kathy and Eric is heading across the Village Green at high speed.

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