28 August 1997

  • Jill’s pleased – the hens have started laying properly again. She and Phil aren’t sure that Debbie will leave, but Shula, who’d met her last night, is more convinced.
  • Sharon bumps into Clive and really gives him what for over his wanting more of a role in Kylie’s life, John interrupts and Clive suspects that there might still be a flicker in his torch – a seed that grows entailing various comments at the rehearsal later.
  • Lynda tells Marjorie that the cricket team is getting fed up with her replacement as scorer and that she might well get asked back.
  • Clive feels better with the knowledge that Kate’s purse has been located, Lynda challenges him to prove his doubters wrong.
  • Lynda drops round to Brookfield to discuss the Flower and Produce show as well as suggesting that Ambridge hold a craft fair, while launching into a history of the corn dolly, a very tired Phil falls asleep, at which point Lynda sniffed and left!
  • Clive visits Marjorie at about 10pm under the pretext of prop hunting, but while she nervously answers the phone in a different room, Clive is making friends with Portia ….

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