Jack and Peggy enjoy their special day. Kathy recognises Kenton’s true worth.

Radio Times: The Woolleys have a double celebration.

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  • It’s the Woolleys’ wedding anniversary, and Peggy thoughtfully gives Jack a tidy for his bedside table, so that he can find all his things in the morning, Lilian arrives, very hung over, and despite her upset over the ball and Annabelle Shrivener’s presence, does her best to make Jack and Peggy’s day. Lilian and Jack ‘find’ the crystal cat he bought, and Peggy is delighted.
  • Kathy is still very upset after Lynda’s party, and takes it out on Kenton. He offers to pick Jamie up from Sid’s, and escapes just as Lynda arrives. Kathy clearly warms to Lynda, and asks if she could stay for a bit. Lynda points out that Kenton is not to blame, and that Elizabeth was not acting maliciously when she told Shula. Kathy is convinced, and when Kenton returns, she apologises, and tells him how much she appreciates him and all he has done. Kenton reminds her that he will always be there when she needs him.
  • Jack and Peggy are treated like royalty as they lunch at Grey Gables, and both enjoy it immensely. Despite – or maybe because of – Jack’s illness, Peggy remains very fond of him.

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