The families take up their positions on Alice’s plan to move to Canada.

Radio Times: Lynda makes a big decision, and Alice’s actions cause concern.

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  • At Ambridge View, Susan and Neil are struggling to understand Alice’s enthusiasm for a move to Canada. Nothing wrong with being ambitious but why can’t she be satisfied and make the best of her present job? Christopher sympathetically explains Alice’s point of view, though he is very worried about how he would cope.
  • Meanwhile Alice is fending off her mother; she declines a lunch invitation to concentrate on doing some work, though only in the cause of getting a good reference. So Jennifer goes home and throws herself into housework, extending her decorating project.
  • Robert again brings up the subject of informing David about TB possibly being the cause of Wolfgang’s demise. Lynda comes up with her solution: she won’t ‘worry’ David until it is confirmed as TB but she will move the llamas away from Brookfield land and create a buffer zone with an electric fence; she will also keep them penned up at night.
  • Brian visits his daughter to check that she has not been deterred by being given a hard time from her mother; he encourages her to go ahead with the Canadian interview: she has a lot to offer and should give it a go while she and Christopher are young and have no ties. Grab the opportunity with both hands.

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