Lily receives an offer that delights her. Freddie receives an offer he turns down. Caroline receives an offer but refuses to discuss it.

Radio Times: Jolene’s on a learning curve, and Freddie has an offer he can refuse.

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  • Jolene tries her skills at towing a horse-box as she and Kenton go to pick the twins up from Pony Club camp. Kenton teases her about joining the county set, but Jolene is genuinely concerned about letting Freddie and Lily down by her ignorance of horsy terminology.
  • Oliver drives Caroline to Grey Gables to look over the figures, and is not pleased when Caroline insists on staying. He does his best to make her see that overworking might damage her health permanently, but Caroline is clearly not going to give in.
  • Freddie and Lily are delighted that Jolene is marrying into the family. Usually obnoxious, for once Lily is worried that she might make a fool of herself in front of Kenton and Jolene, but all her fears are forgotten when Jolene asks her to be a bridesmaid. Lily is delighted, and thanks Jolene profusely. When Freddie is offered the page-boy role, however, he is not delighted, but Jolene makes it clear that he can say no, which Freddie does, with great relief.
  • In the bank at Borchester, Rob runs into Helen. It is hard to say who is the more embarrassed, and after exchanging polite nothings, Rob makes his escape.
  • Oliver brings home some holiday brochures, and tells Caroline she must take a long holiday. They can go to Mauritius, the Seychelles, or to Europe is she prefers. But all Caroline will do is say she will think about it.

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