Rob takes control of plans for the new shop. Susan has a plan for the Village Hall. Shula and Elizabeth plan a bail-out for Kenton.

Radio Times: Susan pulls no punches, and Rob puts himself forward.

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  • Susan declines Neil’s request for help in moving a pig ark; she wants to tell him about the letters she has sent to the planning authority and the Echo. While naming no names, her comments could apply equally to Hazel Woolley and Bridge Farm. Neil tells her that Roy brought Mike over to the Cider Shed; he was very upset about not only the shop, but the hall and The Bull. Susan has an idea for the hall, but it will require Neil’s position as Chair of the PC to carry it out.
  • Helen arrives for the meeting about the new shop while Rob drops Henry off with Pat. Tom notices a large bruise on Helen’s wrist, but she brushes his enquiry aside. When Rob arrives, he instantly takes charge. Rob is dismissive of the ‘traditional’ design, and Tom offers little by way of defence. Doggedly independent Helen agrees, meekly and in monosyllables, with everything Rob says, even though the traditional design was her idea. ‘Contemporary’ wins the day, and Rob announces a 2:1 vote in its favour. He will be project manager, having so much time and experience.
  • Shula and Elizabeth walk the grounds at Lower Loxley, where Magic Opera have apparently fallen in love with it as a venue, They discuss helping Kenton; both could manage £4k, so Shula will ring David to see what he can do. The sisters muse on the Flower and Produce show, which will attract fewer entries this year. Even Jill will find it hard to produce her usual entries.
  • After the meeting, Helen wonders whether Rob might be taking too much on as Project Manager. He is quick to remind her that she will be busy sewing name tapes on Henry’s clothes, so it makes sense for someone with his experience and expertise to assume responsibility for the plans and to hire a builder.

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