Lynda has an idea to finance new stage curtains and Helen’s secret outing is doomed.

Radio Times: Henry’s going on a little trip, and it may be curtains for the village hall.

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  • Rob brings Helen a cup of tea and a plain biscuit as she has a small lie in. She is texting as he comes in and he demands to know with whom she is communicating. Helen claims she is reminding her mother of something and Rob retaliates with the usual, ‘Pat is not the one who is forgetful in the family.’
  • Lynda calls Susan about the meeting of the Curtain Committee. Their morning meeting is to assign duties. Lynda wants to update everyone about the stage curtains; she has had no luck in getting a donor.
  • Helen has Henry all dressed and ready for school. She confides that they are having a special outing today but he must not tell Daddy because he might not be very pleased. Henry manages to keep the secret for a few minutes because Rob comes in to make sure Helen is staying inside today. Also, he fits in another dig and calls her Mrs. Forgetful because she left her phone upstairs.
  • Lynda and Susan discuss the shepherd’s hut but they come around to problem of the stage curtains. Even second hand, they would be too expensive. Lynda’s brilliant solution: Link the new curtains with all the groups and activities that use the Village Hall. Why not ask everyone to give up one thing for Lent and use that money to donate for the new stage curtains? Everyone would feel ownership that way.
  • Kirsty and Roy are having a cup of tea in the station tea room and Kirsty brings up Brief Encounter. She is a bit embarrassed when she realizes that it is a burgeoning love that is at the heart of the film. Meanwhile, Helen is at the school picking up Henry when suddenly-dum dum duuum-Rob appears. He saw the car in the lot and is aghast that Helen has driven. Is Henry ill? Just then Henry appears and Helen confesses that she is going to meet Kirsty for the afternoon. Helen also admits that she has told the school that it is a doctor’s appointment, not a day out. Henry screeches with disappointment as he is led back to class. Get in the car, orders Rob, and we will discuss this later. Deception, lies, accuses Rob, as Helen cries and apologises. Rob doesn’t understand why she felt the need for subterfuge. He blames Kirsty.
  • Meanwhile, Kirsty laments the rain and the advanced age of the other passengers. Roy apologises for the failure of the day out. Kirsty notes that Beth and Henry would have loved it. In addition, Kirsty doesn’t believe Helen’s last minute excuse of illness. Roy encourages Kirsty to talk frankly to Helen. It is not that easy; Kirsty must win her trust again after the fall out from Tom’s betrayal.

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