Johnny helps Tom with the damage caused by the pigs and the Archers lose custody of Henry to Rob and Ursula

Radio Times: Johnny is making an extra effort and Tom is catching up.

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  • Johnny insists on staying home from college in order to help with the destroyed polytunnel plants. He informed the college officials and they allowed him to miss a day. Pat and Tony are heading off to the hearing in Felpersham. All parties are legally represented and the judge will hand down a decision immediately following the hearing. Tony advises all to keep their fingers crossed.
  • Ursula talks to the solicitor and claims she is the only one looking out for Henry; the Archers simply want to win. The solicitor reminds Ursula the judge will listen to both sides. After Ursula announces she will not allow lies to be put before the court and will refute them, the solicitor reminds Ursula that she must let him do the talking.
  • Anna tells the court Henry lived with the Archers for several years before Helen married Rob. He is familiar with them and it is easy for him to go to school. Anna also reminded the court that Rob is not a blood relation and she referred to him as Henry’s step-father. The barrister then stressed that Rob broke the agreement that Henry would only visit for the afternoon.
  • Johnny relates Jazzer’s problems to Tom. Tom is unmoved and says Jazzer has only himself to blame.
  • Stephen, the Titcheners’ solicitor, opens by repeating the seriousness of the charges against Helen. He continues to describe Rob’s injuries and emphasises that the attack was ‘vicious’. The solicitor assures the judge for three days Henry has been ‘perfectly’ happy. Ursula is a ‘loving grandmother’ and is looking after him with excellent care. They are also sending Henry to school regularly.
  • Tom and Johnny clear out spoiled cream and yoghurt pots. They can’t even feed them to the pigs. They look up to see Pat and Tony. It’s terrible news; the Archers lost and Henry must stay with the Titcheners. It comes down to the fact that Helen gave Rob parental responsibility which gives him rights. The Archers are allowed one day a week. This is a temporary ruling and there will be another hearing in June. Tom remarks that no matter how hard this is on them, Helen will be devastated.

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