Josh persuades Bert to help him out. Anna persuades Helen to do her best. Ed fails to persuade Jazzer to see Tom.

Radio Times: Josh turns on the charm and Helen recounts a memory.

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  • At last Jazzer has something to occupy his day – shearing along with a weary Ed, who was up late working on the estate. Jazzer attribute’s Ed’s weariness to the fairy grotto he is making for Keira, however. Josh asserts his authority by ordering the shearers about, but is diverted by the arrival of Bert.
  • Anna patiently tries to focus Helen’ mind on her video conference with the panel which will decide whether or not she is admitted to the mother and baby unit. As ever, Helen is unhelpful, growling that Rob must not have the baby, but eventually Anna manages to persuade Helen that presenting herself positively is what really matters.
  • Smarmy Josh talks of Bert’s amazing skills, trying to persuade him to tackle the ruinous henhouse for his Open Farm Sunday plan. At first Bert is dubious, especially when Josh unveils his vision of a Romany caravan style makeover, but his interest is aroused, as Bert realises that he could out-do Lynda if he were to do as Josh wants, and then site the caravan in his own garden. Could Josh drop him off at the reclamation yard?
  • Anna’s time is up, when Helen suddenly tells her about an incident that took place at primary school involving the theft of a toffee. Apparently it was symptomatic of the personality weakness of which everyone is aware. Even the judge recognised it when bail was refused. Once again Anna urges Helen to accentuate the positive.
  • Ed comments on the problems at Bridge Farm. They could really do with Jazzer’s help. Why doesn’t he go and make his peace with Tom? With that ungrateful numpty? Jazzer has moved on.

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