A storm breaks over Ambridge as Toby and Pip plan a steamy break together, Lynda mourns and Grange Farm floods

Radio Times: Ed feels positive about the future, and Lilian supports a friend.

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  • Eddie and Joe watch the arrival of Ed’s Texel flock. Ed is very pleased with them, and plans to show them in the hope of getting his name known as a breeder. Joe is more cynical; he prefers Suffolks. It starts to rain heavily, and Joe fears for Bartleby’s safety. Eddie has to go and bring him in.
  • Lilian offers Lynda comfort on the death of Scruff, and gently encourages a tearful Lynda to talk about his death. Lynda is grateful, and lends Lilian an umbrella, as the storm breaks over Ambridge.
  • Toby moans to Pip that Rex and Josh are leaving him to do all the work. She tries to cheer him, but has to leave for afternoon milking. Toby rings her later to suggest a few nights away together, but agrees that no-one else must know. A delighted Pip anticipates a truly dirty weekend.
  • Eddie and Joe return to Grange Farm to find it flooded. Ed is doing his best to keep water out, but there is some minor damage. Joe sees it as sign that they are meant to stay there; no-one will buy a house that floods. Unimpressed, Ed goes to phone Caroline and Oliver.

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