06 October 1997
Characters: Christine, David, Janet, Pat, Phil, Shula, Tony
- Tony’s in a bad mood – in a fit of spontaneity John has whisked Hayley off to Greece for a week, leaving Tony to keep the farm ticking over by himself. Thankfully Roy’s been roped in to look after the pigs.
- Christine, after prompting from Hayley, whose was very worried, is gauging the family’s opinion about Uncle Tom, who, it seems, would rather be in The Laurels with Pru, then by himself.
- Christine’s got the horses almost back to rights and is most disappointed my the pettiness of just letting them out – George is still convinced that Clive is involved.
- Preperations are in full swing for the Harvest Suppers, four courses in each of the four villages of the parish, Ambridge’s desserts are going to be provided by Jennifer.
Summarised by: Chris Harrison