Adam offers Ed work if he passes his crop spraying exams. Johnny is going to ask Rob for his good advice on his future.

Radio Times: Rob likes acting as a mentor, and Ed enjoys some hard graft.

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  • Justin is surprised to find Brian servicing the quad bike and thinks he is playing. Brian insists he is working but he is fed up with being in the house with Jennifer and Lilian examining swatches and swags. And Kate is no better. Her business shows no sign of getting any better. Justin says they are talking about redecoration tomorrow but now he wants to talk to Brian. Not without a long discussion of Jennifer as Miss March.
  • Jazzer is horrified that Rob has roped Johnny into helping with the petting zoo without pay. But Johnny is pleased to help out – it shows Rob trusts him. Johnny thinks it will help him decide about his Level 3 modules. Tom mutters that Rob is very good at getting people to agree what he wants.
  • Adam offers Ed some work putting the polythene back on the polytunnels but offers him longer term work crop spraying if Ed is prepared to do the courses. Jeff will have to do them too. There will be much more work if they want to keep the work they picked up while they lost the contract for the estate. Ed thinks he can’t afford it but Adam says they will pay up front and Ed can work it off afterwards – as long as they give Home Farm and the Estate first shout for his time after the courses. Ed wants to think it over.
  • Justin is concerned that Adam is still refusing to grow maize. Brian is sure it will be fine on the estate. It will be there on his cropping plans. Justin suggests Brian could remind him “as Chair of BL”. Brian doesn’t think that will happen but Justin says it is happening more quickly than they had thought. Annabelle is joining the Board of Damara as Executive Manager overlooking the legal team “amongst other things”. Brian isn’t sure he’d win the vote but Justin has already stitched it up.
  • Jazzer is still complaining about the food at Bridge Farm but Tom says Pat has to look after Tony’s heart. Johnny is still talking about his options for level 3. He is definitely doing machinery. Jazzer thinks shearing would be good. He has to tell his tutor by the end of the week. He’s going to talk it through with Tony – and also with Rob. Tom is rather surprised but Johnny insists that whatever he asks Rob is always full of good advice.

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