Rob tells Helen she isn’t coping and that she must thank Ursula for agreeing to stay until at least Easter.

Radio Times: Henry is playing up, and Lynda has a sense of pageantry.

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  • Jim is birdwatching again when Lynda catches him to plan her pageant rehearsal schedule. She is also busily planning the landscaping around her shepherd’s hut once it’s ready. She is looking for a unifying theme and the hut will be the centre of it. Jim suggests Resurgam (I shall rise again) as the theme and Lynda is thrilled.
  • Lilian is beginning her work with Justin with a lunch at Grey Gables to thank her for redecorating. Jennifer isn’t very interested but Lilian insists on wondering why Sabrina Thwaite was stuffing money into the Lent appeal box on Sunday. Lilian should have suggested that to Justin. Jennifer says he’s in Brian’s good books for getting him back as BL chair but Lilian is setting her sights wider.
  • Henry has apparently been behaving badly at school. The Head was waiting to talk to Ursula at pick up. Rob claims that Helen was then getting angry with Henry but she was adamant that Henry had to know how serious it was. Rob convinces Helen that she is being snappy and inconsistent with him and that Ursula is managing better with him at the moment. Helen said she only raised her voice when she saw him smirking at Ursula. Rob tells her it’s a sign she isn’t coping which is why it’s so good that Ursula has agreed to stay on at least until Easter. Perhaps Helen could thank her.
  • Separately, Rob has booked The Bull for Mothering Sunday for the three of them and Ursula. Helen says they could have asked Pat but Rob claims Tom has already arranged to take Pat out separately – he really should have asked them first.
  • Lilian has found that some of her properties are worth more than she thought. She is annoyed that she had spotted that selling the Borchester properties made sense and needed Justin to point it out. She used to be the one with an eye for the big idea. At least she feels as if she’s getting some of her mojo back now and has persuaded Justin to sponsor the Borchester Woman of the Year and he has asked her to suggest a nomination.

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