After a bad start, David makes a good sale of some lambs and it makes him think the farm is worth fighting for.

Radio Times: Lynda acts as an agony aunt and David has a driving disaster.

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  • Adam’s mind isn’t on the farm and managed to drive a landrover with a trailer full of lambs into the ditch. With Adam’s help they get them out and Mike lends a hand too. Eventually he gets them to market but is too late – but so was a Hassett Hill butcher who bought them off him for cash and no commission. It cheers him up and makes him think family farms are worth fighting for.
  • Mike’s business is suffering a bit. The dip in milk prices reminds people they can get it cheaper elsewhere. Vicky is still feeling unwell all the time so had to give up on a restaurant meal last night. Mike puts it down to stress. And he is going to have to take on Harry’s round when he goes on holiday.
  • Lynda is communing with the river for her performance art when Vicky tempts her away for a coffee and a Danish at Grey Gables where we are treated to more information on the love life of Lynda and Robert and Vicky and Mike than most people would consider necessary! Suffice it to say, Vicky’s tiredness is down to the menopause and whether she will still be desirable afterwards.

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