Alan pleases everyone. Calum annoys Kenton. Tom and Kirsty show signs of wedding nerves.

Radio Times: On Easter Day, Tom and Kirsty get a special mention.

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  • The new organ at St Stephen’s is played with panache by Patrick on Easter Day. Alan pleases everyone by giving Kirsty and Tom a special welcome, pointing out the memorial plaque on the organ to commemorate Phil’s thirty five years as organist and enquiring after Dan’s army career.
  • A grumpy Kenton is caught hiding Easter Eggs in the pub garden. Calum is the current object of his irritation; while Kenton gets cold and muddy, Calum is within polishing glasses and ringing a bell to summon Kenton back to work in the bar. Kenton manages to wind Tom up about Kirsty’s choice of items on the wedding list, and gives him a lecture on the virtue of surprise presents (like a huge Easter egg) as the way to a perfect marriage. Tom is surprised enough to query this; there seems to be some tension between Kenton and Jolene, whereas he and Kirsty never row.
  • Kirsty talks to Jill who is tending Phil’s grave. Jill admits that being at Brookfield is like coming home. Kirsty says that on Thursday she will be the happiest girl in the world… but does she sound convinced?

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