Alistair is at breaking point and Jill is overwhelmed with requests for help.

Radio Times: Alistair’s mind is elsewhere and Kirsty fears the worst

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  • Alistair is feeling the strain and letting everyone know. He snaps at Shula, who has made lunch for him, complains about Anisha’s working for Matt and gives vent to his feelings about Matt. Luckily for Shula, Jill interrupts to deliver Shula’s birthday card.
  • Jill admits to having been scared by the fight at the fete, but when Alistair apologises for his failure to secure raffle prizes, she is less than gracious towards him. When Alistair storms off to work, Jill asks if he is all right. Kenton and Jolene are celebrating Kenton’s birthday with a break in London. Shula can only dream of something similar for her and Alistair.
  • Meeting Anisha over the printer, Alistair is, perhaps understandably, not happy to be reminded that he is behind with his billing. She also point out that Matt has already paid for her time. That conversation is interrupted by a call from David to ask where Alistair is; he should have been at Brookfield for 2.00.
  • news that the fete made £2,500 for the pop-up café cheers Jill and Kirsty. There will be a barbecue for the helpers to celebrate. Jill tells her young friend that she is inundated with requests from charities, and has even been asked for financial help as a result of her publicity. She has no time for herself any more. Kirsty warns her to be careful.
  • After scanning David’s cows, Alistair is about to inject the wrong one, and is stopped only by a shout from David. He then leaves his jacket behind, and when David rings Shula to tell her, loses his temper with Shula when she asks him to arrange to see Peggy’s dreadful cat. To add to Shula’s worries, Kirsty asks if Jill is all right. Shula has more pressing worries than Jill’s involvement with good causes. She then suggests that Anisha cover for Alistair so they can go for lunch at Grey Gables, at Oliver’s invitation. This, too, fails to meet with Alistair’s approval.
  • Someone else has realised that all is not well with Alistair; Anisha rings because Alistair is on call, but is not answering his phone, so calls are coming through to her.

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