Alistair reveals what is troubling him and Jill finally accepts advice

Radio Times: Lily helps in an emergency and Kenton is called upon

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  • Alistair attempts conversation with Shula, but makes little progress. She claims to need space. Alistair tries to explain why it is best that Oliver stay at Grey Gables for the time being, and he knows how tactless he was over the matter, but an angry Shula walks off.
  • Lily drives over to Phoebe’s to find out how the night with Constantin went. It was ‘great’ according to Phoebe, but there is a problem; the condom was faulty and her contraceptive injection has run out. Seemingly Constantin was not bothered. Their conversation is interrupted by Kirsty so practical Lily whisks Phoebe off to the clinic. After the consultation Phoebe moans about the £26 she had to pay at the clinic. Lily thinks Constantin should pay, but there seems little likelihood of that. Phoebe should have known better. But was it worth it? asks Lily. Yes, it was.
  • Back from his birthday trip to London. Kenton rings Jill, who claims that Shula spoilt the barbecue by failing to provide the promised salad. (Would one missing salad really spoil everyone’s evening?) Jill is inundated with requests from charities, and this is causing her a lot of stress. Kenton suggests going along to their meetings to see what appeals – and hastily rings off.
  • Shula overhears Alistair making arrangements to meet someone this evening. What is going on? she demands. And where were you on Monday? At first Alistair keeps up the lie, saying he was on call, but Shula makes it clear that she knows he is lying. Eventually Alistair admits he was at Gamblers Anonymous, and has arranged to go with Maurice Horton to another meeting tonight. Shula is very upset; if he is gambling again they stand to lose their home and their businesses. Alistair is repentant; he is not gambling, but needs the support of GA because Matt has threatened to reveal all to Anisha. Shula promises family support, but clearly Alistair is very much afraid of Matt. If Matt does tell Anisha they will be finished.
  • Kirsty sees to Jill’s hives on her own. Poor Jill repeats her confusion over the mountain of requests for help. Kirsty asks what things are most important to her; family, the bees and the Happy Friends café is the reply. In that case, recycle all the other requests and focus on what matters is Kirsty’s sound advice.
  • Kenton offers brotherly advice to his tearful sister. She has all the family behind her and they will help her through this difficulty.

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