Amy reassures Vicky. Mike thanks Neil. Paul treats Lilian.

Radio Times: Preparations are being made at the Bull and Vicky gets some support.

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  • After taking James to his outpatient’s appointment, Lilian meets Paul at their hotel. They check in then enjoy afternoon tea. Paul has tickets for a show, but wants it to be a surprise. Much kissing takes place.
  • The new parents continue to coo over Bethany. While Mike is celebrating at The Bull, Vicky’s parents and Lynda will keep Vicky company. As Mike prepares to leave, Amy comes in. She is on a break, and wants to see the baby. Vicky is relieved; at last she can ask the questions which are on her mind. Amy explains why Bethany is finding it hard to suck, and assures her that she will manage it in time.
  • At The Bull, Neil and Jazzer wait for Mike, and Rob introduces himself. Neil makes a point of telling Rob that he is Chair of the Parish Council. Rob tells them that there will be several jobs at the mega-dairy; Jazzer is keen to apply because housing will be provided.
  • To Lilian’s delight, Paul has bought tickets for a musical that she particularly wanted to see. Even more kissing takes place.
  • When Mike arrives he thanks Neil for helping him to see the way through his worries. He could not be happier, and now he can’t wait to bring his Vicky and his Bethany home.

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