Anisha makes a serious proposal and Justin’s latest idea is not one of his better ones.

Radio Times: Justin comes clean, and Alistair has company.

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  • Eddie tries to rope Neil in on a job, but Neil has reservations as Eddie was slow to pay him for the last job he did. Neil will consider it although is less than convinced when Eddie drops in that he did give a low quote for the chap, feeling sorry for him. A ravenous Neil is persuaded by the offer of a flapjack and work begins. In Neil’s opinion, as soon as the family portraits are done, with the required extra pounds shifted, he can start to eat normally again. The portrait cost is another matter, but Neil will have to swallow it.
  • Alistair has Anisha shadowing him for the day and they discuss business and partnership. Anisha is puzzled about why he would want a complete buy out from Lovell James, although she has heard about Alistair’s previous untrustworthy business partner, Theo. Anisha suggests arranging her own valuation of the practice alongside Lovell James and Alistair reminds her that at this stage, he is ruling nothing in or out.
  • Following his trip to London, Lilian brings Justin up to date with his diary appointments. Work aside, she tells Justin about Rob’s enquiry about the Hillside property. Justin may just have happened to mention something to Rob and he and Lilian quarrel. There is no way she would consider Rob for a tenancy in the light of what he has done to her niece. Justin insists that Rob needs somewhere to live. In fact, he tries to reframe it as a positive for Lilian, with ready rent and one less property standing empty. But it has to be her decision and as always, he trusts her impeccable judgement.

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