Anisha’s mother has died. Lilian tells Adam she is still in love with Matt and he tells her to stay away from him.

Radio Times: Lilian is torn and Rex imparts sad news

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  • Toby tells Pip that Anisha’s mother has died. Rex is going up to Glasgow to be with her. Toby will have to cover his work and Pip offers to help, but what if Ruth and David plan their holiday at the same time?
  • Lilian appears to be excitable about the wedding. James and Leonie are coming to stay but at least with Lynda and Robert from Justin’s perspective. She wants to spend as much time as she can with friends and family at the moment. Justin announces that he has booked India for their honeymoon. Lilian is thrilled.
  • Ian and Adam are waiting for a decision from Corinna about whether she wants to take the surrogacy forward. Ian really wants to push ahead. If only he could get some leave from work. Then Adam gets a text. Corina would love to meet them- but she wants to visit Ambridge. Ian thinks this might be the one.
  • Lilian is not impressed that Jennifer is trying to avoid buying a new dress so they are going shopping. Justin tells her that Ian has now got the wine samples so he has invited Ian and Adam to dinner so they can talk wine and menus all at the same time.
  • Toby and Pip are eating supper at Lower Loxley when Lily arrives and is annoyed to find Freddie has destroyed most of the contents of the fridge. He, of course, is stuck in his room with Noluthtando as usual. Toby suggests going to Pip’s room but Pip doesn’t think that would be right. Later Lily continues to be annoying making suggestive suggestions and presents her with a key to Lower Loxley to give to Toby.
  • At supper, Lilian tries to sneak out with Ruby but Adam insists on going with her. Ian and Justin have a chat about love. It is never too late to grab it with both hands. Meanwhile Lilian tells Adam on their walk that she has been seeing Matt. Adam is shocked she lied to him. She says she loves Matt but she loves Justin too. Adam says it is ridiculous. He is just trying to mess with her before he goes. Adam says Justin and she are made for each other. She must stay away from Matt Crawford.

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