At Brookfield they have sheep scab to add to their worries.

Radio Times: David and Ruth face the future, while Lilian and Peggy share a moment.

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  • There’s something to look forward to for Shula: Dan is coming home for the weekend, but her plans for a special family meal on Friday are scuppered because Alistair will be away. Right now though, he has a call from David to look at his sheep.
  • Meanwhile at Brookfield they are getting into gear for Open Farm Sunday, in this year of family farming, with the thought in their minds that it might be the last, so devastating would the proposed new road be if they choose Route B. They are used to farming setbacks but this is a new kind of problem. Alistair confirms that their latest farming worry is indeed sheep scab, probably brought by the flock they took in, and he will treat the sheep on Wednesday.
  • Peggy has some flowers for Jack’s grave – it’s five months since he died – and Lilian goes with her. Peggy finds comfort in talking to Jack and Lilian is unusually subdued; without giving her mum all the details, she reveals that she lost a special friend a year ago and didn’t manage to say all she wanted. For Peggy, even though Jack had not lived at home for some years, life seems empty without him.
  • Ruth and David resolve to stay positive and fight the road proposal; they will try to join forces with other affected landowners. Whatever is thrown at them they will face it together.

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