Brenda sees Vicky’s point of view. Shula sees Elizabeth’s point of view. Kathy is incapable of seeing Jamie’s point of view.

Radio Times: Elizabeth needs to explain and Brenda is feeling optimistic.

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  • Buying some carrots in an attempt to persuade Jamie to eat vegetables, Kathy finds herself caught between Tom and Brenda in an argument over Tom’s ready meals. Diplomatically, Kathy refuses to make a choice between chilled and frozen.
  • Roy rings Brenda to tell her about the baby. She tells Tom, who is shocked, but Brenda begins to think it could be a good thing; it will be help to integrate Vicky into the family, and will help Mike to open up, as he has done since marrying Vicky. Tom realises that Brenda could be right.
  • Kathy nags a morose and uncommunicative Jamie about vegetables, about school, and finally about Natalie, until he loses his temper and tells her he couldn’t care less about Natalie. He is more concerned about being too young for the comedy night at The Bull.
  • Elizabeth calls at the stables, where Shula is noticeably cool. Lizzie plays the poor little widow card at first, which fails to melt Shula’s ice, but then breaks down and says she is not capable of bringing up the children alone. She feels angry towards Nigel, and admits that Freddie’s accident was her fault. She let Freddie ride Topper because he is so like Nigel. Setting her anger with her sister aside, Shula is full of compassion.

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