Brian ignores the partnership agreement and Adam is angry, Oliver’s attempt at keeping the sale of Grey Gables secret may be out and Anisha tells Matt off in no uncertain terms.

Radio Times: Matt’s request is denied and Brian ignores the rules

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  • Alice visits Adam and talks about the big party. Alice mentions the Pryce Baumann deal to become a partner with new equipment involved. Adam is increasingly annoyed as he discovers that Brian has made a verbal agreement without consulting the partnership-and that the talks took place a week ago. Brian hasn’t mentioned a word about it to Adam. Alice is certain that Brian won’t do anything final until talking to Adam but Adam isn’t so sure. Alice apologises but she thought Adam knew.
  • Anisha answers the phone and Matt wants to book two more free horse inspections. When Anisha answers that she is too busy at the surgery, Matt tries to tempt her with the introduction to Latif as a possibility. Anisha replies that she has already inspected 8 horses which was the original agreement but Matt answers that he has saved the best ones til last. When Anisha refuses once again, Matt warns it may be the last chance for Anisha to be introduced to Latif. Oh well, it can’t be helped, is the breezy reply. When Anisha can’t be moved, Matt ends the conversation warily and says he looks forward to hearing from Anisha about two dates when she can see the horses.
  • Oliver and Justin enjoy the antics of an excitable Ruby. Oliver explains his dilemma over the sale of Grey Gables to Justin. Oliver wants to know if Justin is interested in purchasing the hotel. When Oliver explains his terms, Justin replies that he will consider it. Grey Gables would be a great addition to his portfolio but Justin explains that changes may be necessary. Luxury flats would maximise profit, for instance, more than the existing hotel but it might upset Oliver to see it. Oliver notes he may not be in Ambridge to see any changes; his daughter wants him to come live in New York in a sort of granny flat addition to her home. Justin asks if that would suit Oliver and Oliver says he is considering it seriously. It would give him a chance to know his grandchildren properly. What would Justin do, asks Oliver? The men discuss differences in temperament and Justin invites Oliver to join him and Brian in a round of golf to let his mind rest for a bit.
  • Adam confronts Brian about the preliminary agreement with Pryce Baumann. Brian claims he didn’t want to bother Adam because of the soft fruit harvest. Brian argues it was just preliminary discussions and he wanted to relieve Adam of stress. Brian can’t understand the fuss but Adam argues the principle that he should have brought the proposal to the new partnership. Brian doesn’t know how to act with partners. Brian thinks Adam is overreacting but Adam rejoins that he has seen the future and he doesn’t like what he sees.
  • During the golf game, Brian expects Justin and Oliver to side with his view over the dust up with Adam. But Justin thinks Brian was wrong to bypass the partnership; he observes Brian really wants a benevolent dictatorship instead of a partnership. Brian can’t see things in this light. When Oliver is consulted on this matter, he seems very distracted and, as Oliver wanders off after a lost ball, Justin explains quietly that Oliver is thinking of selling Grey Gables. Brian promises to get Jenny to discuss it with Peggy. The secret is very soon to be out, it seems.
  • Matt shows up at the surgery and confronts Anisha because he found out Latif has already met and employed her. Anisha tells Matt she already did the work she promised and Matt is not the kind of person she wishes to work with. Anisha shows Matt the door but he leaves with a vague threat.

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