Brian injures himself tripping over Jennifer’s kitchen sorting leaving Adam to pull double shifts on the tractor through the night.

Radio Times: Brian is in pain and Rob supports a grateful Helen.

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  • Helen is tearful after dropping Henry at his first day at nursery. Rob is very supportive and says it’s not surprising how bad she is feeling after all the trauma. He convinces her he will be happy. Helen is still shocked that Kirsty says she doesn’t want anything to do with any of them. Rob says Kirsty is bound to be lashing out. Helen needs to give her time to calm down. Clarrie arrives and starts probing for information but Rob tries to bat her away.
  • Jennifer is clearing out the kitchen of chicken bricks and fondue sets in advance of the builders. Adam is clearly shattered working night shifts but he thinks he will cope if Jeff and Brian pull their weight. Brian arrives back in the house and trips over some of the stuff Jennifer has been storing in his office. Jennifer is less than sympathetic. But she does say the builders have delayed their start again.
  • Helen tells Clarrie that Rob is being very supportive but she is absolutely determined not to have a conversation about what has happened. Helen just stresses that Clarrie must tell everyone it is nothing to do with Brenda. It is no one’s business but theirs. Helen tries to distract things by talking about Clarrie’s upcoming “big birthday”.
  • After tripping over in his office, Brian has to call Adam to take over the evening shift. Brian is sorry but he has no choice – he can’t even get out of the tractor. Adam will have to do both shifts.
  • Rob makes a huge fuss of Helen after Henry goes to bed from his first day of nursery. He tries to tell her that Kirsty is always over-emotional and feisty and that things will work out. The time away will help her move on. And he offers to help with the farm or the business while Tom sorts himself out – he’s part of the family now.

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