Brian is stressed about Tom. Alan is stressed about Shula. Shula is stressed about everything. Tom is stressed about his new jumper.

Radio Times: Tom and Brian play hardball.

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  • Jennifer is angry with Brian over his row with Tom and his intransigent attitude. Brian’s mood is equally unpleasant, and he’s even less happy when Jennifer reminds him that he and Tom are equal partners.
  • After morning service at Darrington, Alan is anxious to talk to Jill. Shula is conspicuous by her absence, and Jill appears surprised when Alan tells her that he had asked Shula to take services for him, without success.
  • Brian takes his temper out on some silage bales, where David finds him. After several abortive attempts at starting a conversation, David suggests they meet at the Bull later. Meanwhile he borrows some hurdles for the Brookfield lambing.
  • Jill calls at the stables, where Shula is short with her. She’s clearly worried about losing her livery customers and at the fall-off in adult riding lessons, and counters Jill’s bright remarks about the service and invitation to supper with a plea of tiredness.
  • Tom is less than happy. He spills beer down a new jumper at the Bull, and when Brian appears, beats a hasty retreat. Alan isn’t happy, either; he needs Neil to deal with a plumbing emergency.

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