Brian oversteps the mark in a big way; Alistair shows signs of not being able to see his mark; Joe points out Will’s mark and offers some advice.

Radio Times: Shula attempts to ignite a spark

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  • Will phones Clarrie saying that he’s on his way to collect Poppy. However, Clarrie has been kept at work while Susan and Tom “brainstorm” keffir. Eddie and Joe have Poppy and Will decides to phone them. At The Stables Alistair interrupts Shula. He has a message from Philip Moss. He sends thanks for her advice and wants her to know that by taking things slowly, he and Kirsty are now going out together.
  • Will turns up to collect Holly; Joe goes to get her ready. Will asks if Clarrie could look after Holly tomorrow as work has prevented him and Nic going on their day out with her. Clarrie offers to take time in lieu at work. She suggests that the children stay overnight. Will manages to dodge Joe’s question about how much his lampshade made at the sale, but remembers that Nic has sent Joe a gift. It’s in the car.
  • Alistair offers to get a curry delivered, but Shula insists on cooking steak and having a proper meal together. He’s slightly suspicious. Shula admits that last week’s Valentine quiz left her feeling that they don’t know that much about each other after 20 years of marriage; especially as they were beaten hollow by Susan and Neil. Alistair’s not so sure but certainly won’t talk her out of steak and garlic mash.
  • Jennifer discovers that Brian is back from his meeting. He’s taking a few moments out on his own in his office. She wonders if anything has gone wrong with the Berrow Farm plans. Brian says not, it’s just been one of the most embarrassing meetings of his life, due mainly to her. Meanwhile, Joe’s opened his gift from Nic, a silver plated picture frame. Susan looks wonderful in it. He insists that Nic’s a gem and that Will should tell her that he will take dancing lessons with her after all… before some other chap does.
  • Brian is furious about today’s meeting. Berrow is going ahead but at what cost? Martin did his best to focus attention on Brian’s problems at Home Farm. When he drew the meeting’s attention to the Echo website, Brian felt all his authority dripping away. Worse, Jennifer feels that the photo may be in the next print issue. Brian, very foolishly, suggests that Jennifer had herself photographed with “that dreadful cackle”, in order to stab him in the back. At this, she explodes with rage, the whole family has been nothing but supportive of him. He tries, vainly to undo the damage. “Don’t touch me… leave me alone” she cries.

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