Charlie is given the facts of Jennifer and David’s findings which he will investigate fully.

Radio Times: Rob has a grievance and Emma is on a mission.

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  • The nursery is shut so Helen has offered to step in and care for both Keira and Henry. Emma can’t believe how close the wedding is. With most preparations in hand, there remains only one thing that she wishes could be sorted. She visits Will to ask him to be Ed’s best man as it would mean so much to the family and it is after all just one day.
  • David, in his capacity as Flood Warden, approaches Charlie who reassures David that he can expect complete cooperation from all Damara Capital staff. Charlie feels he was lucky that his dairy was unaffected. David tells Charlie that he and Jennifer have been gathering information to form an overview of what happened that night, including eye witness accounts. David reveals the facts of Stefan’s report whilst maintaining his anonymity: that the culvert was blocked to prevent Berrow Farm from flooding. Charlie confirms that it indeed was blocked, as he was trapped in it. Without a named source, Charlie is sceptical. Could the report have been an employee with a grudge against another employee or even management? But David hasn’t mentioned that the informant is an employee and he has another independent source who in the aftermath observed by the side of the road, the pile of debris removed from the culvert – far too large a quantity to have been washed in.
  • Charlie informs Rob of the accusation and in typical style, Rob plays it down, minimising the risks and severity of the flood. He passes off the accusation as village gossip and rumour and wonders why Charlie is wasting his time on it? Charlie does not regard it as a waste of time, particularly as he himself almost died. He will interview all staff. Rob later relays to Helen his conversation with Charlie. She is incredulous that anyone could think such a thing of Rob. Besides, who would be so stupid as to put the whole village at risk?

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