Dan is not best pleased to find Darrell still at The Stables when he returns from Reg’s funeral.

Radio Times: An intruder gets comfortable at the Stables, and Tom steps into the breach.

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  • Dan and Shula are back from the funeral and he is very critical of the continued presence of Darrell in their midst. He just needs a bit of space in his own home.
  • In the wake of the disastrous evening out with Helen, at least Patrick enjoyed it and is suggesting a quiz machine re-match. Kirsty’s immediate concern is tonight’s rehearsal.
  • Darrell is trying hard: Alistair being out, he prepares tea and toast which is appreciated as a nice welcome home. In readiness for his new job tomorrow, Darrell needs to dry his overalls. Shula decides that it would be more expedient for her to complete the laundry task for him.
  • Tom accompanies Kirsty to the rehearsal to be a calming influence if Kirsty gets too wound up with Rob. But Rob is ill, so Tom is pressed into service to read his part – just for tonight. The natural chemistry is evident to Lynda but Tom is determined not to be drawn in fully.
  • Sitting by the fire (that Darrell had lit for them) Dan has a heart to heart with his mum about grandpa Reg. He was Dan’s inspiration to become a lawyer; sadly he won’t be around to see him graduate.
  • Darrell is ready for work tomorrow, convinced that the job will turn his life round.

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