Darrell has another iron in the fire. Oliver has some bread in the oven.

Radio Times: Brenda offers reassurance. Meanwhile, Darrell looks further afield.

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  • Making mobile calls in his garden, out of earshot of the family, Darrell is worried when he realises Brenda is in her garden. He asks her if she overheard his conversation, and begs her not to repeat it to Matt if so. Non-plussed, Brenda assures him she really couldn’t care less about Matt; Amside is just a job to her.
  • Insufferably arrogant Jim takes Oliver along to the bird hide at Arkwright Lake, and treats him to both some full-scale patronising and some major showing off of his ornithological prowess. When Oliver mentions that he has taken up bread-making, Jim instantly tells him he knows it is for the Flower and Produce Show, and that he, too will be entering.
  • A jumpy Darrell sets about repairing the damage to Joyce and Arthur’s house. He gets a call on his mobile with some good news. He has an interview on Saturday for a job restoring an old church. Arthur is concerned that if Darrell leaves, Matt will be let off the hook.
  • Brenda calls on Vicky and to say that Roy has told her about the baby. Both of them are 100% behind Vicky’s decision, which moves Vicky to tears. But when Brenda suggests that Mike will talk about the situation as soon as he is ready, Vicky admits that she fears that moment will never come.

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