Darrell misses an important appointment. Ed hears some worrying news. Tom discovers Helen’s secret.

Radio Times: Alistair is feeling frustrated, while Helen is glad to talk.

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  • Alistair reminds Darrell that he needs to get a move on if he wants a lift to his appointment with the Job Advisor. Darrell says he is getting dressed, but when he fails to appear downstairs, Alistair is forced to give Darrell another shout. Going into his room, Alistair finds that Darrell is neither washed nor dressed, and shows no signs of getting ready. Alistair has to leave for his appointments, but Darrell claims that he can easily rearrange the appointment.
  • Someone else is late; Ed, who has been up most of the night with a difficult calving. He is very worried about the results of the tests on the herd which are due today, but Mike is somewhat lacking in sympathy, saying he has his own stresses but has learnt to leave them behind when he gets home.
  • Tom delivers some veg to Helen, who is poring over spread-sheets. In his usual breezy and self-absorbed way, Tom tells her the latest news of the ready meals empire, commenting that Rob advised him to expand. Helen snaps at him for taking Rob’s advice, which causes the penny to drop; whenever Tom mentions Rob, Helen is evasive. There is something going on. Helen bursts into tears and tells him what has happened. Tom is full of sympathy and promises not to let Pat and Tony know. Helen says some days she hardly knows how to put one foot in front of the other.
  • Alistair calls at Grange Farm with some bad news; the tests have proved positive and the cows which aborted were infected with a parasite. Poor Ed is shell-shocked; he just can’t afford this, but knows he must have the whole herd tested. Mike arrives and with supreme insensitivity announces that Vicky ‘will be in bits.’

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