David decides to put Brookfield on the market.

Radio Times: There is no turning back for David, and Jazzer dispenses advice to Johnny.

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  • David is bringing the cows in for the winter. Eddie is enjoying the extra work. Ruth is up to Prudhoe again tomorrow. David says SAVE is working on the planning decision including a protest though he isn’t convinced it will do any good. He tells Eddie he isn’t sure what will happen to the herd if it goes ahead. Eddie is using some of David’s left over wood that was for the bonfire to make a stage for his Turkey Pardon. David thinks he is mad to try it.
  • Josh has been trying to get hold of Pip so that they can have a meeting to discuss things. He is improving in his driving lessons though. It’s time to put in for his test. He’d rather do more driving practise than to discuss the future. Surely Ruth and David have already made up their minds. David agrees that to secure the farm in the north they’d have to move quickly. Josh says he’s been thinking about it but one thing really bothers him which is the hens. Other than that he is quite keen to move. Once it is finally decided, David says he will ring Rodways in the morning and Brookfield will go up for sale – (despite there being no discussion of compensation which will only be decided after any planning appeals or about the share of the farm to which the family will be entitled and whether they will choose to cash it in etc etc etc……)
  • Johnny is helping with the pigs. Jazzer tries to tell him about natural pig behaviour but Johnny isn’t convinced. He is going bowling with his mates from his course tomorrow – there is one particular girl he is interested in.
  • Eddie ropes Johnny and Jazzer into helping build the bonfire. Jazzer suggests he invites his “girlfriend” to the fireworks. Johnny is not keen on being teased.

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