David is concerned about Ed. Matt is concerned about Lilian.

Radio Times: Neil’s worries increase, and Matt is out to impress.

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  • Oliver tells Caroline about Emma moving. Caroline seems to think the move is to enable them to save for a house of their own; Oliver thinks the reason may be more serious, and that Ed is unwilling to tell him what is really going on.
  • Lilian seems fraught, but claims it is because she has too much to do for Christmas. Still anxious to make amends, Matt insists on taking her to lunch at Grey Gables. When they arrive, and start chatting to Caroline, Lilian is distant. Matt suggests a winter holiday in the sun, but Lilian will not commit herself, claiming that she must wait to hear what James’ plans are. As they go in to lunch, Lilian says she must phone Peggy, but dials Paul’s number. She tells him things are still difficult, but she wants to see him. She thinks about him all the time.
  • David fails to get elected as County NFU Chair, but seems resigned to it. Neil calls, in answer to a message from David, who asks Neil to try and help Ed with his accounts. He is concerned that Ed is not on top of things, and even with his decision to buy into Brookfield’s fertiliser and feed order, rising prices will mean he is no better off. Neil is not keen, but when David suggests that Ed’s whole business may well go under, Neil knows he must act.

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