David is so anxious he mistakenly attacks Adam when he is doing a check of the grain store but still won’t tell him why.

Radio Times: Adam has a narrow escape and Vicky is in her element.

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  • Ruth is trying to keep lines of communication open but everything between David and Ruth is very strained. Ruth has explained to the Heads of the boys’ schools about what was happening. David was furious that he didn’t talk to her first but they were both very supportive. He is even less impressed once she tells them he is moving the kids away to somewhere else and so David goes to leave when David sees some movement on the cameras. It’s someone moving quickly into the grain store. He tells Ruth to hit the panic alarm.
  • Vicky is excited at the idea of helping Hayley sort out Phoebe’s room and tells her how much she will love it. Hayley is very anxious. But Vicky points out that she has seen loads of pictures of Phoebe so she knows a lot about her taste. She probably knows more about her than most Mums of teenage girls. But Vicky needs another sit down because she is getting tired. When they get back to shopping Vicky has a whole range of ideas including sanding the floorboards and Hayley gets carried away.
  • It turns out it is Adam in the grain store but only after David has grounded him. Even when they get over the attack, David doesn’t tell him what is going on.
  • Ruth tries to persuade David to tell Adam but he sees that as her putting more pressure on him.

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